宋庆龄基金会南京乐教国际幼儿园是澳门宋庆龄基金会在中国的示范幼儿园。我们的宗旨是 借鉴中西方最先进的教育理念,为亚洲的儿童提供最优化的课程设置,先进的教育设施,高品质的教学环境,资质一流的国际化教育团队。充分激发师生潜能,乐教乐学。
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Sheila G.Cortes    西拉.柯蒂斯 女士 (菲律宾)

Course: Bachelor of Secondary Education graduated with Special Academic Awards
               Masteral Degree (units earned)

教育学学士 (中等教育)
教育学硕士    (在读)

Experience Teacher in the Philippines for 10 years and ESL Teacher in China for 4 years


Qoute: The most effective kind of education is that a child should play amongst lovely things.



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